
2-year-old boy welcomes garbage collectors in his city with bottles of cold water

*Maximum cuteness alert! In the city of Navegantes, in Santa Catarina, garbage collectors from the company responsible for collecting the region are always received with a bottle of ice water by little Erick Medeiros, just 2 years and 10 months old. I don’t know about you, but I can’t take such charm

Professionals usually pass by Erick’s neighborhood every Wednesday and Saturday and, as the boy is his number 1 fan, he found this incredible way to show his admiration. According to his parents, just listen to the noise of the truck and the little one runs to them offering cold water.

Alcir, Erick’s father, says that his son’s charm for garbage collectors was born when he couldn’t even walk properly. “Whenever I heard the noise of the truck, I would stop everything to watch the collectors go by”, he recalls. According to him, it was his mother-in-law who taught his grandson to offer water to professionals.

What a superman, what a nothing! For Erick, the true heroes are the collectors of his city, among them Oziel, who cannot pass by Erick’s house, otherwise the boy cries. “It is very gratifying to have a child recognizing our work,” he said. Oh, the children! Teaching adults about respect in the sweetest way.


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