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Baba Vanga, The seer who predicted 9/11, predicts nuclear explosion in 2023

The Bulgarian seer Baba Vanga died in 1996. According to reports, among her predictions were several events that came true, such as the death of Princess Diana in 1997, September 11, the tsunami in Asia in 2004 and even the 2020 pandemic.

Baba Vanga’s predictions were numerous, and the seer also had some that are projected for 2023. According to the seer, our planet must prepare to face a nuclear explosion. In addition, other dramas are in the future of Earth according to her, such as large solar storms, a change in Earth’s orbit and the testing of biological weapons on humans.

These were not the seer’s only predictions for the coming year. According to her, pregnancies and natural births will decrease or will end completely.

What made Baba Vanga’s predictions famous was that she supposedly predicted the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986, the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, the attack on the World Trade Center and the deaths of Josef Stalin and also Princess Diana.

Baba Vanga is also said to have said that the 44th US president would be the first black man to hold that seat. And it really was when Barack Obama was elected. She said his successor would face a crisis that would bring the country down. This prediction may make sense and link with the Donald Trump government and the invasion that took place at the Capitol in Washington in January last year.

The seer died in 1996, just as she had predicted, at the age of 84. However, Baba Vanga even left predictions for 5079. Her predictions for 2022 had some hits. The Bulgarian seer predicted that some cities would face a water shortage due to drought. This was seen in the UK, Portugal and Italy.

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