
Boy makes birthday wish: ‘I want everyone to live a happy life!’

“What is your wish, Pi?”, asks the mother. “I wish everyone to be happy ️”. It might even look like a montage, right? But no, he’s just like that. Pietro hugs trees to recharge his energies and says they help him (it’s not wrong), he sits on his bed to meditate when he’s irritated about something, even without anyone having taught him.

In a video posted on Instagram, his mother, Carla Paula, shared the heart-melting moment when her son makes a beautiful birthday wish after blowing out the candles on the cake.

We created a crowdfunding so that Pietro and his family have a decent place to live. Click here and make a contribution!

Earlier this month, little Pietro celebrated another year of life with his family, who live on a farm in Pilar do Sul, in the interior of São Paulo. After the repercussion of his video, the family won several donations of sweets, cake and managed to throw a better little party for him.

“Something you really want to happen, that only Heavenly Father can do… Think of something and blow!” says a family member in the background. Pietro thinks, thinks and thinks some more until he gives the most perfect answer ever!

“I want everyone here to be happy!”, he says, to the surprise – and joy – of his parents. 😭❤️

“He owns my heart, which makes me proud and gives me reasons to be a better person every day! I love your pure little heart and your brilliant mind, you deserve the best things, my life”, said Carla in the caption of the video.

Access the crowdfunding website by clicking here and make a contribution!

“Pietro was always an enlightened child surrounded by love, joy and especially empathy, especially for our family his birth was a watershed, just like every family we had moments of difficulties and separation, but when this little angel arrived, we got closer, we tighten ties, reopen wounds and heal them, all of this just for his simple and extraordinary birth, he is proof of the love that blossoms everywhere at all times, you just need to know where to look”.

His parents have been separated for 3 years, despite that they are very close, they help each other a lot, especially in raising Pietro, who chose to live with his father, for being very attached to him and for loving the place and the simple life in the middle the nature and animals it has.

Need for reform
​The house where they live was built in a hurry, with a family effort and has great emotional value, as one of the uncles who helped a lot with the construction ended up dying because of a hernia that burst, the same problem as Pi’s father, Carlos , 52 years old, who recently underwent hernia surgery and his son did not want to leave him at all, to take care of him, in his own way. A 6 YEAR OLD CHILD ❤️️.

The place has no floor, much of the house is improvised, it has no plaster, there are places without a door or with broken glass and the bathroom is broken, using the toilet only with the help of buckets of water and the electrical wiring is in terrible condition 😞 .

Are we going to renovate Pietro and his family’s house together? Click here and make a donation! We accept contributions via Pix, with no minimum amount.
His father was a tattoo artist, but because of the pandemic he ended up losing his studio. Before the surgery, he was planting various vegetables and fruits on the farm to sell, it wasn’t much, but it generated income for both of them. Today, without being able to make an effort, not even that is succeeding 😭.

We know that Pi is a happy child with the little he has, but we want to make him even more, giving him the conditions to live in a better and safer home 🙏. Come with us to change another story!?

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