Why is it so tough for some to exorcise the ghosts of their romantic pasts?
@Relationships Sensacional

Why is it so tough for some to exorcise the ghosts of their romantic pasts?

A friend once grumbled that, given the choice, she’d rather see her ex miserable than herself happy. Few things in life are as traumatic as the end of a long-term, romantic relationship. Nonetheless, many people are able to eventually recover and move on relatively unscathed. Others, like my friend, aren’t so lucky. Even years later, […]

Why is it so tough for some to exorcise the ghosts of their romantic pasts?
@Relationships Sensacional

Who wears the pants in a relationship matters especially if you’re a woman

When it comes to power in romantic relationships, men are often cast as dominant and women as deferential. But working against this are caricatures of domineering women with their “hen-pecked husbands” and “whipped boyfriends.” At the same time, popular culture is replete with representations of striving and self-serving women – from celebrities like Beyoncé to […]