
Man travels 8,800 km from Spain to Bolivia to find the nanny who took care of him as a child

More than 50 years ago, in the mid-1970s, Juanito Jonsson, then a child, moved from Spain to Bolivia to live with his missionary parents. At that time, he was cared for by a nanny named Ana Jiménez. Loving and understanding, she was forever etched in the boy’s memory.

Decades later, Juanito, full of gratitude in his heart, decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean and travel 8,800 km to find his former nanny, who is now a very old woman.

His goal was just to thank you for all your love, in addition to donating and raising donations of food and other inputs to improve Dona Ana’s quality of life.
According to the Unitel portal, Juanito moved as a child to the city of Yacuiba, in Bolivia, since his parents were missionary preachers dedicated to the conversion and assistance of needy people.

At the time, Ana was hired as a nanny, but she spent most of her time with the boy, which made it possible to create very strong emotional bonds with him. “She treated me like I was her biological child and she my mother,” said Juanito.

In his youth, he returned to Spain, settling in the city of Fuengirola, where he lived for the next three decades. Even so, the affection and care that Ana gave him will remain in his memory forever.

For this very reason, he decided to look for the woman through his social networks, sharing a video and a post on Instagram. When he managed to discover her whereabouts, Juanito undertook a trip to Bolivia, on the border with Argentina, where he learned that Ana lived.

“I know she took extra care of me because she had lost a child at the time. So, she gave me a love that would be for me and her son. I got double. Now, more than 45 years later, I have found her and I want to bless her”, said the Spaniard.

With the help of Bolivian Internet users, Juanito discovered that Ana made a living selling sweets on the street. After a journey that crossed the Atlantic Ocean and the South American continent, he was finally able to find her again after so, so long…

On the occasion, he took the opportunity to deliver numerous donations to the former nanny and make up for lost time, talking to her for hours and, of course, hugging her a lot!!

In the end, Juanito showed Dona Ana an album of photos from when she was young and took care of him. After that, he invited her to eat at a restaurant and walk around the city.

The next day, the Spaniard returned to his homeland and edited a video with moments from his trip, which went viral on Instagram.

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