
“Sharing my life with you is the greatest gift I could ever wish for.”: True Love

Karine and Edemilson, from Fortaleza (CE), form one of those envy couples. Together, they have overcome countless adversities over the years.

Karine, especially, has a strength and will to live and go beyond that impresses everyone. At the age of 32, he has already undergone more than 150 surgeries to remove cancerous spots and tumors. And unfortunately lost part of his ear, nose, eyes and mouth. In this fight, he still has to deal with prejudice and mean comments.

Since she was born, she has had a condition called xeroderma pigmentosum, which is a rare, hereditary, incurable, non-contagious genetic disease characterized by hypersensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays.

Em meio à luta para se adaptar a rotina das cirurgias e do cuidado com os 3 filhos, Karine se apaixonou pelo Edemilson – e vice-versa. Não demorou muito para eles decidiram se casar!

Recentemente, para celebrar os dois anos de união, a cearense compartilhou um texto lindo no Instagram para o amado. Confira:

Many people may even think that two years is a short time, but we know everything we’ve been through. We know all the challenges we have overcome, all the trials we have overcome. It’s been an intense two years!

Each day is filled with love, friendship, respect and lots of affection. Not everything was easy, in life there are not always flowers. But together we managed to overcome everything that life presented us with. And always like this, united, we will fight for our happiness, our dreams and goals.

I love you, I love both of us. For me we are the most perfect couple in the world! And I promise, my love, that no matter how big the difficulties, the obstacles, I will always be here by your side, supporting you in everything! I LOVE YOU thank you for everything ❤️! You are amazing, my safe haven 🔐👩‍❤️‍👨❤️”.


Kitty for Karine
We created a campaign at VOAA to help Karine and Edemilson in the coming months, as she will need to undergo surgery whose recovery takes a long time.

With the crowdfunding resources, we will also be able to buy the eye drops and sunscreen needed to protect her from ultraviolet rays. They are expensive and specific products for her condition.

Click here and make a donation!
In 2020, we had already campaigned for her. At the time, with the amount raised, Karine was able to undergo dermatological treatment and was even able to buy a house.

In a difficult moment of her life we ​​helped Ká, we know that we can again with the help of all of you help her to face this battle more!! 🙏

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