
Supermarket cashier lends $60 to customer and receives back $60,000 in donations

Helping someone, without looking at who” is a rewarding attitude, in every way. One day, real estate agent Rina Liou went shopping at a supermarket when, already in line at the checkout, she noticed that she had forgotten her wallet at home.

Desesperada e sem graça com a situação, Liou foi socorrida por Rita Jackson, responsável por um dos caixas do supermercado, que fica em Walgreens, Houston (EUA).

A corretora não sabia, mas daquela boa ação, nasceria uma das suas mais fortes e genuínas amizades.

At that point, Rita, 58, offered to pay the customer’s bill (about twelve dollars). “I’m almost out of money because I only have $20 in my account, but go ahead and pay for your groceries,” the kind lady told the distressed customer.

Thus, the single value was more than enough to resolve the confusion. “I wanted to help because I know that if I was in trouble, I would want someone to do the same for me,” said the supermarket cashier.

Liou was very grateful and promised to return the money – a promise he fulfilled that same afternoon, when he transferred the 12 dollars, plus 30 as a gift. “She was so generous that I wanted to cry,” said Rita.

“Rita saved me that day (…) I didn’t feel guilty about borrowing money from her, because I knew I would pay it back. But she didn’t know. I was touched that she didn’t hesitate to help me,” said the realtor.

Not satisfied with just returning the favor to the lady and compensating her with an extra amount, Liou believed that Rita deserved much more (quite right, right?).

Thus, she published her story on social networks, touching hundreds of people who live in the city. His intention was to publicly thank the supermarket employee for his kindness and praise her kind heart.

The report reached the TV channel ‘KHOU-11’, which inspired its viewers to subsidize Rita financially.

According to the Washington Post, she has worked for almost 40 years as a cashier at Walgreens supermarket and knows all the regular customers there.

One such customer is Michelle Suh, who led a crowdfunding campaign to thank Rita for all her years of excellent service and care.

Through the crowdfunding, around US$ 12,000 – equivalent to R$ 60,000 – were raised, with the help of hundreds of anonymous donations. Then Michelle handed over the full amount to the lady.

“Rita is a neighbor in the truest sense of the word (…) Until Walgreens and our country pays our essential workers more, let’s take a step forward to ensure that Ms. Rita has more than $20 in her account (…) She has been very kind to us and we would love to show her how much she means to us”, wrote Michelle Suh in the description of the virtual crowdfunding.

Michelle’s praise for the darling cashier was followed by many others. “On a bad day, you made us forget about our problems for a few minutes. On a good day, you shared our laughs,” said one, “Rita sold me the Walgreens pregnancy test with which I found out I was pregnant with my daughter,” testified another customer, among many other testimonials from people grateful for her good service. and disposition.

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